Thursday, February 18, 2016

New Start, New Year, New Post!

Hello my dear readers!!! How is everyone doing! I hope your past few weeks have been awesome like mine!!! Here are a few of the activities!!!  

Cantonese phrase of the week: Sān-nìhn faai-lohkv, (新年快樂) – Happy New Year

If I am correct we stopped at the Llama Island the last post correct? Okay then! Haha.

The first activities we are covering are the museums! During the month of January, access is free for the public. After January, it is only HK$ 5 (HK$ 0.64) to get in; you go Hong Kong! 

1.     Heritage Museum – Bruce Lee Exposition: I have always been a great fan of Bruce Lee so going to this exposition was by far the best part of that week! The expo was full of items that all belong to Bruce Lee and his family, and narrated his life story from his first years in Hong Kong up until his last years as an actor. Unfortunately, photography was not allowed in the inside, but on the outside….

2.     The Hong Kong Museum of History

Bun tower. The tradition was to climb the tower and find the lucky bun for the new upcoming year. 

Original HSBC

3.     The Hong Kong Science Museum

Circulatory System scheme.

A “current” exhibition  haha

This appears to be a turbine but I could be wrong. 

But I also do things other than visiting museums haha

For about 4 days, the clouds vanished and in that, I saw an opportunity to visit one of Hong Kong’s biggest tourist attractions: The Big Buddha!
Located in Lantau Island, the Big Buddha is a giant copper statue sitting on the top of mountain that is only reachable after 268 steps (my friend counted). There are multiple ways to get there but by far the coolest one is by taking a cable car! Surrounding the monument, there are mountains, trails beautiful temples and a bay as well. The scenery is truly stunning. At one point, as we appreciated the interesting ambiance of the place and the devotion for the deity, a woman that appeared to be in her 80’s climbed the stairs with a very heavy bag full of offerings. Her strong will, faith and stunning health still baffle me.

Awesome view of Lantau.

Amazing vegetarian Buddhist treats!

Offering to Buddha.

We can never have enough tea. 

Wood carvings. 

Amazing carvings.


After the visit, the Chinese New Year approached quickly. The date was February 8th, but a little while before, the university started to become empty again. Students headed back to celebrate with their families or to travel. This is an important holiday in Hong Kong and to participate, we went to the Lunar New Year Fair at Victoria Park! What an experience! I have never seen a place so full of interesting things and people in my entire life!

More amazing fair food. 

Three of us in an amazing giant crowd. 

Remember when I said students either returned home or traveled for the New Year? I was fortunate enough to travel together with a group of friends to the beautiful nation of the Philippines!  Traveling to close location in Southeast Asia is not as expensive as people think and it is one amazing experience! Our first stop was in the capital Manila and after that, we headed towards a village called White Beach in Puerto Galera. The weather was phenomenal and people were incredibly interesting and nice there!


Sunset at White Beach.

GO COCKS - Philippines edition



Rice fields.

Two words: Buko (coconut in Tagalog) Shake. Best drink ever! Thank you for this Philippines. 

Unfortunately, everything good has to come to an end and we had to leave paradise…not really! We left paradise and came back to paradise!!! Everywhere here is amazing!!! haha

Now that school has started again, the last interesting event that is happening right now is the Fu Cup! The Fu Cup is an inter-hostel sport competition in the Chung Chi College! Every week has different sporting activities such as soccer, basketball, Ping Pong and etc, and Ying Lin Tang, my hostel, is a fierce competitor! The other hostels better watch out!

Ohhh before I forget, I have enrolled in a Kung Fu class and awesome picture are to come!

Ohhhh and I know you like food just I do so here are some extra cool pictures!

Rice noodles and tofy, fungi, and milk-tea.  

Everything including stomach, intestines, and cheese-sausages.

Rose cake. 

Awesome fish hamburger and more milk-tea.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post and I hope you have a phenomenal end of the week! Stay in touch!!!